ICPC Tip Sheet List
The Iowa Conservation and Preservation Consortium (ICPC) has developed several tip sheets to assist in the care and preservation of documents and artifacts.
- Audio Tapes Tip Sheet
- Precious Documents Tip Sheet
- CD-DVD Tip sheet
- Creating Enclosures Tip Sheet
- Photograph Tip Sheet
- Time Capsules Tip Sheet
- Drying Materials Tip Sheet
- Preserving Scrapbooks Tip Sheet
- Creating an Archival Scrapbook or Photo Album Tip Sheet
- Packing and Shipping Museum Objects
- Preservation Maintenance Tip Sheet
- Parchment Preservation Tip Sheet
From Angélica Isa Adaniya who is a conservator for the Pachacamac site museum in Lima, under the Ministry of Culture of Peru. A Budget Friendly Intergrated Pest Management Tip: How to make your own insect Sticky Traps

AIC and FAIC Resource Hub
This is the home to publications produced or provided by the American Institute for Conservation (AIC), its subgroups, and the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAIC). This online resource is funded by both AIC and FAIC.
- Objects Specialty Group Postprints (an AIC Specialty Group)
- Photographic Materials Group Topics in Photographic Preservation (an AIC Specialty Group)
- Electronic Media Review (an AIC Specialty Group)
- TechFocus (a project of the Electronic Materials Group, an AIC Specialty Group)
- Association of North American Graduate Programs in Conservation (ANAGPIC) Student Papers (provided by FAIC through an agreement with ANAGPIC)
- Textile Conservation Newsletter Archives (Archives digitized by AIC’s Textiles Conservation Group)
- ACTS FACTS Archives (archives provided by FAIC through an agreement with ACTS FACTS)
- Hermitage Photographic Conservation Initiative (an FAIC project, funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation)
- The 2004 Heritage Health Index Report (a Heritage Preservation and IMLS project)
- AIC-FAIC Comments (a site to engage public comments on in-progress AIC and FAIC reports)
- Conservators Converse, archives of the AIC Blog 2008-2018
AAMG- Association of Academic Museums
Tips for Photographing Collections The following tutorials are accessible and easy to follow for at-home documentation of artwork.
- Product Photos / 3D art https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eb3sSJTF5Og He uses a DSLR, but students can easily use an iPhone instead. He does a good job of demonstrating how the hacks work.
- 2D on a budget https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0g4a1Ge-Ds This tutorial uses an iPhone to document 2D work. There are more tools on Snap Seed these days, but students should get the idea.
- 3D artwork https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMaUhKJgQv0
The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC), is a non-profit conservation center devoted to the conservation and preservation of paper based materials, has as its mission: to improve the conservation efforts of libraries, archives, historical organizations, museums, and other repositories; to provide the highest quality services to institutions without in-house conservation facilities or those that seek specialized expertise; and to provide leadership in the preservation and conservation fields.
ALCTS is the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, a division of the American Library Association. ALCTS is the national association for information providers who work in collections and technical services, such as acquisitions, cataloging, metadata, collection management, preservation, electronic and continuing resources.