Iowa Museums, Archives, and Libraries Emergency Response Team (IMALERT) provides a hotline service to cultural institutions experiencing an emergency or disaster. The IMALERT Hotline can connect staff with the information and expertise needed to respond to and recover from any level of incident from a leaking pipe to a major flood.
IMALERT will coordinate with first responders, state and local agencies, and vendors to provide disaster assistance to affected institutions and their collections. Through the team’s vast experience in conservation, preservation and emergency response and recovery, help is available to:
- Assess damage to collection materials
- Make recommendations for recovery
- Assist with decision making on drying out buildings
- Demonstrate salvage techniques and/or help organize the initial salvage operation
IMALERT is an initiative of the Iowa Conservation and Preservation Consortium http://www.iowaconserveandpreserve.org/
For non-emergencies and general questions, contact: