Now Accepting Applications for the 2020 ICPC Scholarships Scholarships for ICPC Members Amount: The Iowa Conservation and Preservation Consortium (ICPC) is offering two reimbursement scholarships of up to $500 for conservation or collection-care coursework or travel expenses related to conservation or collection-care coursework. What qualifies: Potential conservation or collections-care courses are offered online or in…
Call for Presentations for the 2020 SOS Iowa Conservation and Preservation Consortium
Save Our Stuff (SOS), the Annual Conference and Meeting of the Iowa Conservation and Preservation Consortium (ICPC) will be held on June 5, 2020, at the Spirit Lake Campus of Iowa Lakes Community College in Spirit Lake, Iowa. Preserving and conserving Iowa’s cultural heritage is a pillar in the missions of many institutions around the…
MLK Service Day is Postponed Due to Winter Weather.
URGENT NOTICE: The Martin Luther Service Day in which we were helping the UI Pharmacy Museum move has had to be postponed due winter weather impacting eastern Iowa. We will be rescheduling the service day and we will continue to post updates about the new date. Thanks to everyone that was planning to attend on…
Martin Luther King Day PRESERVATION SERVICE DAY 2020
At the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy on 1/20/2020 10am-3pm (lunch provided) Join with us and spend some time lending a hand with the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy Historic Collection on this national day of service. The College of Pharmacy is moving to a new building, and help is needed to pack…
Preservation Destination 2019
Cedar Falls/Waterloo September 23, 2019 Free Event for ICPC Members (but you can join that day and still come!) Click here for membership rates Noon meal paid on your own but all behind the scenes tours are free. A $100 Fellowship is available for a first time attender to a Preservation Destination and that person traveled over 100 miles. Click…
Past SOSs For complete list of past SOS Conferences Click Here
IMALERT members recently assisted in flood recover efforts at the Pacific Junction Railroad Museum. For a link to the full article written by Nancy E. Kraft click here. For more information about IMALERT click here.
Parchment Preservation
Ali Wysopal, an ICPC scholarship recipient, created a document with helpful tips for taking care of works on Parchment. To view her work click here.
Service Day Application
The Iowa Conservation And Preservation Consortium (ICPC) is comprised of a group of individuals representing museums, archives, libraries and other cultural institutions. The consortium’s members have backgrounds that cover a wide variety of conservation and preservation knowledge and skills. In order to assist ICPC member institutions we are offering to use our knowledge and skills…
Make sure you renew your ICPC membership for 2019. Click here or the Membership tab for more information.